Manual handling and lifting dvd
Vital manual handling and lifting information in an accessible, DVD format; Contains up-to-date information intended to show how effective lift planning and The DVD contains helpful information on the back and spine anatomy, making injury assessments, lifting techniques lifting aids and equipment and LITE By demonstrating the practical application of best practice techniques for lifting, carrying, pushing and pulling, this DVD provides an easy transfer of skills The DVD covers: A clear look at the steps of a lift; Using manual handling aids; Pushing techniques; Dangers of pulling a load Safe Lifting and Manual Handling Training DVD · think about the task · assess the load · plan how to lift the load · prepare as necessary to lift it · perform the At just over 8 minutes running time, it defines Manual Handling and demonstrates the necessary techniques to aid moving and lifting safely.Buy Safe Lifting & Manual Handling - Training DVD from Amazon's Movies Store. Everyday low prices and free delivery on eligible orders. Lifting and manual handling is one of the highest risks in work environments. This superb Manual Handling DVD is presented by Diane Youdale who starred as 'Jet' Lifting and manual handling is one of the highest risks in work environments. This superb manual handling DVD title is presented by Diane Youdale who
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